Business Intelligence Infrastructure Engineer Intern
May - August 2018 • Greenwood Village, CO
What I liked
Their TECDP program is phenomenal and sets you up to be extremely well-trained after 3 years.
What I wish was different
I can't think of anything, my experience was excellent this summer.
Internships are probably more about the networking with people than the actual work you do -- no one's expecting you to reinvent the wheel over 12 weeks.
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operations intern
May - August 2017 • Pittsburgh, PA
What I liked
What I wish was different
I sat there for 8 hours a day and did nothing. It was extremely dissapointing because when I interviewed it sounded like I would be a valuable asset, but they were behind on the project and did not try and include me. Only apply to this if you will be in the Conneticut office.
only apply for the Bristol office
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Computer Systems Analyst Intern
May 2018 • Denver, CO
What I liked
Their Technical Development program is excellent. The people are great and you learn a lot.
What I wish was different
I felt I could handle more in my role. It was my second internship with them and I did more work the summer before.
Students getting a Information Systems or Computer Science degree should apply to Cigna's TECDP program.
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Actuarial Intern
May - August 2018 • Philadelphia, PA
What I liked
I was able to take on more unconventional roles that actuaries can still hold that you don't usually get exposure to in internships. The actuarial community was very inviting and encouraging of those they surround themselves with.