Xanterra Travel Collection

Room attendent

June - August 2020 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

Living in a national park, housing + food being provided, close relationships with coworkers & other staff members, managers were nice, Gardiner Montana, was close

What I wish was different

Really terrible access to WiFi, HR was frequently terrorizing staff about rules that I didn’t find to be necessary, the food was HORRIBLE, and we were really understaffed


You 100% get out of it what you put in. When you’re standing on top of a mountain, it makes the fact that you are a housekeeper for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week really easy. If you speak to people and make connections, people will welcome you with open arms even if you’re different or shy
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Room Inspector

May - August 2021 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

I enjoyed the opportunity to work in such a beautiful park and meet people from all walks of life. This job taught me many invaluable lessons, and I would not trade the experience for anything.

What I wish was different

Some days were very long despite my initial understanding that days seldom varied in hours and difficulty. I wish I had been realistically informed of the working conditions. Moreover, the human resources department was underwhelming. I am aware of various situations in which individuals were displeased and antagonized. Housekeeping management, however, was filled with nothing but support.


Have realistic expectations for a seasonal job. Take advantage of being where you are, but don't break your job commitment.
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Ice Cream Lead

May - August 2021 • Keystone, SD

What I liked

My favorite part was working with people of all age groups from different countries. It was also really fun getting to live in Keystone, SD for three months because the Black Hills and Custer State Park provide many opportunities to get outside. I enjoyed hiking, swimming, and sightseeing. Rapid City is also very close and provided good shopping, restaurants, and other tourist attractions.

What I wish was different


My main recommendation is to go for it! It can be hard to adjust at first but the summer is the best time to try a job like this, meet new people, gain experience, and have a lot of fun!
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Cafeteria Server

May - August 2021 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

Working in a national park

What I wish was different

better management


Go for it even though management sucks because it’s an one in a lifetime opportunity
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May - August 2021 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

Location, work environment.

What I wish was different

I worked a lot of overtime, pay was low, managers inexperienced.


Do not do this job if you do not like the outdoors.
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May - August 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

Days off in the park were amazing! It is very beautiful out there

What I wish was different

Everything about the work wasn’t great. The people were nice but overall Xanterra is not a good employer


Go out there for the experience and fun, not the work or the money
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Ice Cream Server

June - August 2020 • Custer, SD

What I liked

A great location in a beautiful area. I met people from all over the planet and every state of the country. I was able to see the president make his historic appearance at Mt Rushmore for independence day

What I wish was different

The company's blatant bias and extreme covid protocols made it very difficult to perform some basic processes of the job.


Find your own reason for taking the job; be it exploration, independence, school money, or anything else, find a reason and make it count. These jobs are not supposed to be very financially rewarding but rather, generous in the possible experiences to be had.
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Bar Host/Hostess

May - August 2018 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

I liked living in a national park of a summer and gaining experience in the hospitality industry. It gave me a different prospective on how a hotel is run in an extremely rural part of the country.

What I wish was different


Just to be prepared and aware of what life will be like out there. There is limited service and wifi. Everyone makes do and it’s like stepping back into a time machine. The main for of entertainment is hiking, reading, hanging out with other co workers, or playing board games. I was never bored or lonely out in Yellowstone during my internship but some people did quit because of the lack of WiFi and service.
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May - August 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

The job site was remote and had extremely limited internet access. Cell phone service was almost nonexistent for AT&T. While this may have been a burden for taking online classes, it strengthened the bonds made between coworkers. We often only had each other to talk to, and quickly established a close-knit community. I was blissfully unaware of current events and was able to focus on myself and my work. I made several friends who I hope to be in contact with for the rest of my life.

What I wish was different

It was explained in the orientation that internet access would be limited, but no one was prepared for how terrible it actually is. For me, taking online classes was almost impossible with the internet access I was provided. If I had not made a friend willing to drive me to the nearest town for decent WiFi, I would have been unable to complete my courses for the Summer Term.


Working in Yellowstone is an experience like no other, and I would encourage others to take the chance. It can be very challenging, and it's easy to become lonely if you do not interact with your fellow coworkers. Take advantage of every recreational event you can, don't be afraid to be genuine with others, and always ask for help if you're feeling low. Also, do your laundry on the days that you work so you don't spend your days off folding your clothes.
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Kitchen Crew

May - August 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

I liked living in a unique and special place surrounded by amazing people from all over the world.

What I wish was different

I wish they didn't take so much money out for lodging and food.


If you are thinking about working in Yellowstone, do it! It's an amazing opportunity.
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Housekeeping inspector

May - October 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

Both working and living in a national park

What I wish was different

How I spent my free time there


10/10 would recommend doing a summer in a national park. I met so many people from so many different countries. Don’t listen to the negative experiences because everyone’s is different. Go and experience it for yourself
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Customer Success Associate (Food and Beverage)

May - July 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

The scenery and being in a national park is an experience unparalleled by anything else I’ve ever done. Management is also incredible.

What I wish was different

The company itself is a terrible one. They don’t care about their workers or the conditions that they live in. Countless people got food poisoning and a few even got bronchitis from the asbestos in the walls.


If you’re going, go for the reason of finding yourself or living in a national park. I went because I thought it would be a cool adventure and I’d make some decent money and I ended up hating most of the experience.
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Campground Attendant

June - September 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

Amazing location, my coworkers and department were the best in the park, good hours and good management.

What I wish was different


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Parking lot Attendant

May - August 2019 • Keystone, SD

What I liked

The ability to work during the week and explorer and enjoy the surrounding area on the weekend more like a vacation.

What I wish was different

Higher pay


Never judge where you work, know that you got a job and that you will do your very best and then some to accomplish its tasks for you
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Restaurant Manager Intern

May - August 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

My favorite part about this job was being able to work and live in a National park. I got to work next to people I have created life long relationships with and explore the Park with them on our off time. I would not trade the experience for anything else and I could see myself going back one day for another season.

What I wish was different

The only complain I would have would be that, we would be short-staffed at points and many people would be overworked and to exhausted to go out and explore and do some cool hikes after 12 + hour shifts.


You are living and working next to people from all around the U.S and the world (because a lot of international students come to work here) and you need to remember to be kind to everyone because you don't know them, their story or their background. Be open to new friendships, like some you would never think you'd have back home and don't forget to enjoy the natural beauty of being in a National Park.
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Kitchen Crew in Yellowstone

May - August 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

I loved the community. Everyone who I worked and lived with out there, had the same passions and the same mindset. We all loved to hike, travel, and camp and it made for a pretty cool environment. Starting work at 4am and then hiking after my shift late into the night was one of the best things.

What I wish was different

Because it was such a small community, everyone knew everything. They became my family, however because of that, I felt like I couldn't keep a lot of things to myself. I wish there was more privacy within the community but nonetheless, it was amazing.


Take every opportunity to hike, camp, or stay up late to hang out with friends. You won't always be in Yellowstone so do your best to take in every chance you get! I left Yellowstone and my coworkers with no regrets because I took the time to get to know the people and the land around me.
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May - August 2019 • Grand Canyon, AZ

What I liked

The people I met from around the world and the fast passed environment with the view of the Canyon

What I wish was different

More hours given to me


Show up ready to do any work
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May - August 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

That it was in a unique area and was a very unique experience. They also provided housing for workers and planned outside activities for workers to attend.

What I wish was different

Sometimes I worked very long work days.


Go with the flow and have fun.
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May - August 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

The experience working in Yellowstone was amazing.

What I wish was different

It was very far from my family and friends.


It was the best thing I’ve done in my career. It helped me grow as a person and gave me valuable life experiences.
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assistant housekeeping manager

April - October 2019 • Yellowstone National Park, WY

What I liked

Love being outdoors on a daily basis

What I wish was different

The pay and food need to be improved tremendously.


Be prepared for internet service and working very hard. Not an easy job
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